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Worldwide, the majority of systematically assembled information about technology lies in patent databases. Patent literature is at least as important as scientific literature for planning engineering and scientific research, especially when technological innovation is a goal.
The training sessions are open to all Skoltech personnel.
Skoltech has subscribed to a powerful, yet easy-to-use patent database and analytics platform — Cipher, which is available to everybody at Skoltech, subject to individual registration. Cipher is an online product that harnesses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyse patent portfolios internationally. In comparison to conventional approaches, Cipher is a fast and cost-effective method that allows you to gain an in-depth analytical understanding of patent ownership, competitive landscaping, and technology landscaping. Cipher can help you quickly identify who is doing research and technical work in your field of interest, discover where they are located worldwide, know with whom they collaborate, identify which centers are either growing or declining, and understand who owns the results, to mention just some of the applications.
The two training sessions will provide attendees with an introduction of how to use Cipher as a tool in research and innovation projects at Skoltech.
You can read more about Cipher here: http://cipher.ai/about/
To gain advance access to the Cipher database service, please go to https://login.aistemos.com/create-a...