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"Well talk about why humans travel, and how traveling could influence our life experience and personality. About the importance of knowing when to take a break, wander off into the wild and find solutions to long-standing problems. And, of course, where to look for the worlds best opportunities"
This Thursday will bring you an amazing experience, because we got Kira Tverskaya who’ll be visiting Skoltech to give a remarkable open lecture called "Find yourself on the road"!
Kira Tverskaya is a journalist, social media manager, translator and travel blogger. With a long history of working for well-known Эхо Москвы radio, she has also taken parallel paths writing for Lonely Planet and other projects, translating and interpreting, and traveling to 37 countries. Kira has found inspiration in road trips, volunteering and social work abroad, and is happy to share it with others.
See you on Thursday, February 15th, Cohort space (4-th floor)
How to get to Skoltech: www.skoltech.ru/en/about/contacts/....